Understanding The Self-Storage Facility Contract

Are you planning a move this summer? With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.

Understanding The Self-Storage Facility Contract

14 April 2015
 Categories: , Blog

No matter what you are using an Epic Group Inc self-storage unit for, you need to understand the contract you signed for it. If you are like most people, you barely glance at the contract and sort of tune out when the clerk explains different parts of it to you. For the most part, you will not encounter any trouble as long as you pay the rent on time. However, there are some parts of the contract that you should understand.


Some self-storage facilities require you to have insurance for the items you have in the unit. However, this does not mean that you have to purchase their insurance. If you have homeowner's or renter's insurance, anything that is covered by it will remain covered even though you are moving to a new home. To ensure that the facility does not require you to purchase more insurance, take a copy of your policy when you first go to rent the unit. If you do not already have insurance, you may want to consider getting it, whether from the facility or on your own.

Allowed Use

Some people have different uses for a storage unit, such as a practice area for a musical band, or a place to work on a vehicle they are restoring. Make sure that the contract does not prohibit this type of activity. While there are some facilities that allow for different uses, they may have some limits to what is and is not allowed. Many facilities do not allow you to store a vehicle inside a unit; they have outside lots you may rent for them.


Indemnification is a legal term that means that the facility will not be held responsible for any accidents or damage that is caused by a tenant. This includes damage you may cause to another tenant or his or her belongings. If you have an RV stored on a lot and the tire chock falls out, allowing it to roll into another tenant's vehicle or unit, you and your insurance are responsible for the damage. In addition, if you or your belongings are damaged by another tenant, you cannot hold the facility responsible and must go after the other tenant for compensation.

Self-storage contracts are pretty cut and dry. Do not try to use the facility for purposes not permitted, pay your rent on time, and be sure to keep your belongings from causing damage to anything and you should be fine. 

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proper moving methods to protect your things

Are you planning a move this summer? Do you know how to pack things up and protect them during the move? Many people think that most of the work is done before the moving truck arrives, but are you sure that you know how to pack up the moving truck and protect your belongings from damage during transport? Visit my website to learn how to pack up electronics, plants, housewares, and all of the other delicate contents of your home. With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.
