Renting A Storage Unit For Your Bicycling Needs

Are you planning a move this summer? With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.

Renting A Storage Unit For Your Bicycling Needs

14 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Do you and your cycling buddies love riding in a certain area, but hate the hassle of having to put your bikes on the car every time you want to go there? Maybe there's a bike path 10 miles from home that you love, or perhaps you like visiting the country roads a couple of counties over. There is an easy solution: rent a storage unit near your favorite cycling destination, and use it to store your bikes. Here's a look at the benefits of this strategy, as well as a few tips to help you pull it off without any hiccups.

Benefits of Renting a Storage Unit For Your Bikes

When you have to tote your bike to your riding destination every time you want to ride, you waste a lot of time. You probably don't enjoy getting up an extra hour early to put the bike rack on your car and then drive around town, picking up your friends' bikes. Making sure you have everything you need to ride -- your helmet, water bottle, gloves, etc -- is also a bit of a hassle, and there's always a chance you'll forget these items. Further, you always have to worry about your bike getting scratched or beat up when you put it on the car rack.

When you keep your bike in a self storage unit near your riding destination, you can just roll out of bed, get in the car, and drive there. Your friends can meet you -- there's no need to pool rides if you're no longer picking up their bikes. You can keep your gear at the storage unit, too, so you never have to worry about forgetting your helmet or water.

Tips for Renting a Storage Unit For Your Bikes

To make sure this experience is as enjoyable and efficient as possible, follow these tips:

  • Make sure the ride from the storage unit to your final riding start place is safe. Check not only that it's a short distance, but also that the roads you'll travel to get there are bike-friendly.
  • Find several bicycling friends to share the unit with, so you can split the cost.
  • Consider renting out the unit only during the bicycling season. Take your bikes home and save money when the weather's too cold to ride.
  • Invest in a bike hanger, so you can store your bikes off of the ground. Storing a bike with the tires on the ground can cause dry rot.
  • If you have very expensive bikes, such as racing bikes, try not to let others see you taking them in and out of the unit. Most storage facilities have excellent security, but you still don't want to chance a theft.

With the tips above, you can convert a storage unit into your summer biking haven. Think how nice it will be to have all of your gear right at your riding destination. If you do ever want to ride anywhere else, you'll need to put your bikes on your car rack -- but at least you'll now be doing this only on occasion, not regularly.

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proper moving methods to protect your things

Are you planning a move this summer? Do you know how to pack things up and protect them during the move? Many people think that most of the work is done before the moving truck arrives, but are you sure that you know how to pack up the moving truck and protect your belongings from damage during transport? Visit my website to learn how to pack up electronics, plants, housewares, and all of the other delicate contents of your home. With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.
