How to Use a Storage Unit to Keep Your Home Organized

Are you planning a move this summer? With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.

How to Use a Storage Unit to Keep Your Home Organized

31 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are downsizing your home, renting out a storage unit might be your best bet to get organized. While storage units are often thought of as a way for people to hang onto things they don't need, this doesn't need to be the case. Here are four ways that renting a storage unit can bring order to your life and keep things simple.

1. Seasonal Items

Renting a storage unit for items that you don't need year round will keep these things out of the way and free from damage. Holiday items can be boxed up and clearly labeled at the end of the season. Be sure to designate a space in your storage unit for this so that you can easily find items when festive times of the year come up.

2. Hand-Me-Down Children's Clothing

If you have children that are a few years apart, you may want to keep hand-me-downs that will be perfect in a year or two. Keeping kids' rooms clean is hard enough, so don't take up space in drawers and closets with clothes that are in between sizes. Box these up and indicate the age or size on the boxes. You can store these until your younger children are ready for a larger size.

3. Space for Your Home Business

If you run a business out of your home, you may have a space designed for your work. If you sell items online such as crafts or books, your inventory can begin to take up space quickly. Set up a system in which you store the items that you don't need right away. You can then access these when they are ready to sell and keep them free from damage.

4. Out-of-the-Way Cleaning System

Try to do a big clean of your personal items and closets yearly. If there are items you are on the fence about, put these in storage to see if you really miss them before you donate or sell. Rule of thumb: if you haven't missed your items, you can get rid of them in a year. Keep these in storage and out of sight and out of mind for the interim.

Sometimes storage units can provide a strategic way to remove clutter from your home and only keep around the items that you really need. If you are strapped for space, you can utilize a storage unit to keep things out of the way until you need them. Make sure find a storage unit that is nearby so you can access it regularly when you need to. Contact a representative from a company like Colfax West Self Storage to explore your options.

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proper moving methods to protect your things

Are you planning a move this summer? Do you know how to pack things up and protect them during the move? Many people think that most of the work is done before the moving truck arrives, but are you sure that you know how to pack up the moving truck and protect your belongings from damage during transport? Visit my website to learn how to pack up electronics, plants, housewares, and all of the other delicate contents of your home. With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.
