Is Moving Before Baby Arrives The Best Use Of Your Time?

Are you planning a move this summer? With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.

Is Moving Before Baby Arrives The Best Use Of Your Time?

27 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Is your apartment too small for the new baby about to arrive? Many Americans upgrade to their own home when they expand the family. But when should you actually make the physical move? In many cases, it's best to do so while still pregnant. Not only is it often easier, but it may be a much smarter use of your time. Why? Here are a few things to consider. 

1. You Only Nest Once

Future parents tend to want to nest. This is a normal instinct to ensure the best possible home for their new baby. But nesting begins during pregnancy. So, if you don't move until later, you will essentially be nesting twice. Earlier moves allow you to do it for your permanent home instead. 

2. You Focus on the Transaction

Shopping for and buying a home is a complex transaction. You may not feel at your best during the late stages of pregnancy, but you only have to take care of yourself. This permits you to stay prepared to pounce on the right house, spend time in the loan approval process, and get things packed up. You won't get this chance to focus once the new baby is here. 

3. Everything Is Unpacked Together

Most future parents get a lot of stuff for the baby. Much of it they purchase themselves, but there are a fair amount of gifts as well. Keep it all together until you move into your new home and get set up. Moving baby gifts and paraphernalia along with all your other household goods makes the work as efficient as possible. 

4. Bonding Time is Protected

After your baby arrives, you want to be able to focus completely on it. This is some of the most important bonding time parents and children have, so it needs to be protected. The best way to protect it is to get the moving process out of the way beforehand. It may feel strange to carve out time for downtime, but this is a special occasion that every family needs. 

5. It Creates a New Network

Parents benefit from a good support system. If you don't already have one built into your new home location, create this before the baby arrives. An earlier move lets you meet the nearby parents, form friendships, get to know the area, and feel supported. You set yourself up for more success when you will need it most. 

Where to Start

Certainly, one of the best ways to make great use of your time while moving is to outsource the moving labor to a moving company. Make an appointment today to learn how they can help you. 

About Me
proper moving methods to protect your things

Are you planning a move this summer? Do you know how to pack things up and protect them during the move? Many people think that most of the work is done before the moving truck arrives, but are you sure that you know how to pack up the moving truck and protect your belongings from damage during transport? Visit my website to learn how to pack up electronics, plants, housewares, and all of the other delicate contents of your home. With the right moving procedures in place, you can move your things from one home to another without suffering any losses.
